House Extensions – Tips & Tricks
Things to Consider When Planning A House Extension If you desire more space and you feel that moving is not an option, the easiest way to acquire this additional area is to extend your existing property. There are only two real ways of doing this which is going up...Building During Winter Months
There is no real perfect time to start any construction work, as the weather in the UK is so unpredictable. The commercial building sector does not stop construction over the winter months it just operates as normal and follows the necessary rules and accepts that progress maybe a little slower.

New Build Homes
Building your own home is a very big commitment and one that should not be taken on lightly, there are a multitude of thing that you must be prepared for and doing your research is critical. This is a serious investment and get it wrong and you could face financial ruin!

Property Renovation
Property renovations are a very interesting proposition especially if you have done your research. The amount of slightly rundown to outright derelict buildings available are bountiful, and if you select carefully you can grab yourself a real bargain and possibly make...
CJK Builders Support Durham LABC Guide
At CJK Builder we are pleased to support the LABC’s (Local Authority Building Control) new guide for building advice; it is now available for you to view on-line on the Durham County Council website.